Da’wah - Religious Awareness & Outreach
Fostering understanding of Islam
Why is it important?
Nurturing a Future of Empowerment and Prosperity
Islam is a beautiful religion, and the declaration of faith (لا إله إلا الله – there is no deity worthy of veneration and worship except Allah) is the most powerful and important idea to have ever touched the mind of any human being.
In National Waqf, we want to share this treasure with the rest of the world. We want to promote understanding and respect among individuals of different faiths, potentially reducing conflicts based on religious misunderstandings. They also help to foster a sense of community and shared values. This can lead to stronger social cohesion and mutual support among community members.

Forever Rewarding, Forever Increasing

We are currently offering a unique service free of charge to everyone, which aims to help people overcome their destructive doubts concerning the religion of Islam. We also train others on how to deal with their doubts and the doubts of others. These funds will be invested specifically into the lighthouse project in order to expand our services into multiple languages across the globe.

Since our inception, thousands of people from the UK and abroad have accessed our provision with the need steadily increasing. Our proven outcomes include:
Smoother transition in conversion to Islam, feeling more confident in their beliefs.
Integration into the Islamic community is easier.
Feeling supported and better equipped to engage positively with family, friends and other Islamic and non-Islamic communities about their new faith.
Improved mental health and wellbeing.
Trusted and credible source of help as they navigate their new faith.
Help us achieve our goals & create a better world.